Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ziyarat e Ashura

Ziyarat e Ashura with Audio & Translation - Part 1 of 2 (YouTube)
Ziyarat e Ashura with Audio & Translation - Part 2 of 2 (YouTube)

Ziyarat e Ashura (MP3)

Ziyarat e Asura & Short Commentary (PDF)


Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) recounts, ‘O Safwaan! When you are confronted with some adversity, then seek redressal of your grievances from Imam Hussain (a.s.) through the Aamaal of Ashoora. Allah has pledged the fulfillment of demands with this Ziarat and Allah never reneges on His word’.

Hardships and afflictions no matter how severe, can be remedied by reciting Ziarate Ashoora for forty successive days. Records of people’s experiences actually testify to the authenticity of this tradition.

Renowned Shia scholars have recited this Ziarat regularly. They have reaped incalculable benefits through its recitation and have always resorted to it in moments of distress.

Here are few incidents which highlight the significance of Ziyrat e Ashura.

1) Respite from plague

Ayatullah Haj Shaikh Abdul Karim Haaeri Yazdi (founder of the Hauze-Ilmiyya in Qom) narrates, ‘It was the period of my education in the Hauze Ilmiyya in Samarra. There was an epidemic in the city that had taken in its wake many victims. One day, all the scholars had assembled at Ayatullah Sayyed Muhammad Fasharki (r.a.)’s residence, the latter being my teacher. Then unexpectedly, Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shirazi (r.a.) entered the house. His stature was no less than that of Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.). There was a round of general discussion and the scholars started deliberating on the epidemic and how at the rate it was claiming lives, it would very soon wipe out the entire city. In the midst of this discussion Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) rose, and asked, ‘Do you all acknowledge me as the Mujtahid? Then If I impose a decree upon you, will you act according to it?’ We all replied emphatically, ‘Yes! Indeed you are the Mujtahid.’

Then Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) addressed the audience and declared, ‘I command the Shias of Sammarah to recite Ziarate Ashoora for a period of ten days. Then offer the reward of this recitation to the mother of Imame Zamaana (may our souls be sacrificed for him), Janabe Nargis Khatoon (s.a.). Then beseech her to present our case to her son Hazrat Valiul Asr, so that Imam (a.s.) shields us from the malady.’

Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) relates further, ‘I assure the person security from the plague, if he recites Ziarate Ashoora.’ Since it was a matter of life and death, the entire Shia population followed Ayatullah Fasharki’s recommendation and began reciting this Ziarat. Miraculously, with the recitation of the Ziarat, the plague subsided and the mo’mineen were spared. But this phenomenon was observed only among the Shias, as the Ahle Sunnah continued to fall prey to this malady. Everyday, the plague claimed at least one from the Ahle Sunnah. They were defenseless, as this ailment was without a cure. Before long, they realized that the plague was claiming only their members, while the Shias were somehow reprieved. In order to hide their embarrassment, they started conducting the burial of their dead in the middle of the night. When one of the Ahle Sunnah inquired from the Shias, the reason behind their miraculous reprieve, the latter revealed their secret of Ziarate Ashoora. Then the Ahle Sunnah too undertook recitation of this Ziarat. And this Ziarat’s enigmatic prowess was manifested when they also started receiving respite from the dreaded plague. In fact, some of them used to visit the shrines of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and began confessing: ‘We recite the very Ziarat for you that is recited by your Shias.’
Shaykh Abdul Kareem (r.a.) observes that on reciting this Ziarat, Shias and Ahle Sunnah both became immune to this plague.

2) Calamities
One person writes about two occasions when he was afflicted with calamities, which were removed with the recitation of Ziarate Ashoora.

First Occasion
This involved three difficulties.
1. I had become indebted for a sum of two million tu’man for purchase of my house. A year had passed but there seemed no chance of repayment of the debt. I was very tense because of this huge debt.
2. My second difficulty was also very disturbing, which I can not reveal.
3. Poverty

These three calamities had made me very nervous. I implored Janabe Masumae Qom, Fatema (s.a.). I decided to recite Ziarate Ashoora for a period of forty days and grant the reward of this recitation to Janabe Narjis Khatoon (s.a.) as a gift. I would request her to intercede on my behalf with her son, Imame Zamana (a.t.f.s.), so that Imam (a.s.) would solve my problems. My routine involved praying Ziarate Aminullah (of Ameerul Mo’mineen a.s.), after reciting Namaze Subh. Then I used to recite Ziarate Ashoora along with hundred repetitions of curses and salaam, followed by Dua Alqamah.

I had only finished reciting for 28 days when my second problem was solved. On the 37th day, one of my friends who owed me some money approached me, gave me all the money and said, ‘Pay off all your debts with this money.’ On the completion of the 40th day, my financial problem was also solved. Thus all my problems were solved and I did not have to confront such problems again.

Second Occasion

About one year had lapsed after the above-mentioned incident. I was faced with another calamity. My friends and I had entered into an agreement with a trader from Teheran. The latter was to make some purchases on our behalf. My friends had somehow made arrangements for the money and dispatched the sum to that trader. As per the agreement, we were to receive the consignment of goods by the third day. However, we learnt that the trader had cheated us and a bank, to the tune of seventy million tu’man, and after that he had escaped. After three months of hunting him, I was totally disheartened. I finally decided to once again resort to Ziarate Ashoora and request Imame Zamana (a.t.f.s.) for assistance.

I had recited this Ziarat only for 20 days when this trader himself phoned me, and by the end of the 40th day I had received my amount in full. However, the others did not receive their money. Finally this trader was arrested and imprisoned for his crime.

Thus, again Ziarata Ashoora brought me some much-needed relief and relaxation. However, it must be stated here that, while reciting this Ziarat on both the occasions, I used to recall the grief and calamities of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and lament bitterly. I had turned my attention away from all worldly means and had placed total confidence and reliance on this Ziarat.


Anonymous said...

Ziyarat e Ashura

زيارة عاشوراء

السلام عليك يا أبا عبد الله السلام عليك يابن رسول الله السلام عليك يا ابن أمير المؤمنين وابن سيد الوصيين السلام عليك يابن فاطمة سيدة نساء العالمين السلام عليك يا ثار الله وابن ثاره والوتر الموتور السلام عليك وعلى الأرواح التي حلت بفنائك عليكم مني جميعا سلام الله أبداً ما بقيت وبقي الليل والنهار يا أبا عبد الله لقد عظمت الرزية وجلت وعظمت المصيبة بك علينا وعلى جميع أهل الإسلام وجلت وعظمت مصيبتك في السماوات على جميع أهل السماوات فلعن الله أمة أسست أساس الظلم والجور عليكم أهل البيت ولعن الله أمة دفعتكم عن مقامكم وأزالتكم عن مراتبكم التي رتبكم الله فيها ولعن الله أمة قتلتكم ولعن الله الممهدين لهم بالتمكين من قتالكم برئت إلى الله واليكم منهم ومن أشياعهم وأتباعهم وأوليائهم يا أبا عبد الله إني سلم لمن سالمكم وحرب لمن حاربكم إلى يوم القيامة ولعن الله آل زياد و آل مروان ولعن الله بني أمية قاطبة ولعن الله ابن مرجانه ولعن الله عمر ابن سعد ولعن الله شمرا ولعن الله أمة أسرجت ألجمت وتنقبت لقتالك بابي أنت وأمي لقد عظم مصابي بك فاسأل الله الذي اكرم مقامك أكرمني بك أن يرزقني طلب ثارك مع إمام منصور من أهل بيت محمد صلى الله عليه واله اللهم اجعلني عندك وجيها بالحسين عليه السلام في الدنيا والآخرة يا أبا عبد الله إني أتقرب إلى الله والى رسوله والى أمير المؤمنين والى فاطمة والى الحسن واليك بموالاتك وبالبراءة ممن قاتلك ونصب إليك الحرب وبالبراءة ] ممن أسس أساس الظلم والجور عليكم وابرأ إلى الله والى رسوله [ ممن أسس أساس ذلك وبنى عليه بنيانه وجرى في ظلمه وجوره عليكم وعلى أشياعكم برئت إلى الله وإليكم منهم أتقرب إلى الله ثم إليكم بموالاتكم وموالاة وليكم وبالبراءة من أعدائكم والناصبين لكم الحرب وبالبراءة من أشياعهم ومن اتباعهم إني سلم لمن سالمكم وحرب لمن حاربكم وولي لمن والاكم وعدو لمن عاداكم فاسأل الله الذي أكرمني بمعرفتكم ومعرفة أوليائكم ورزقني البراءة من أعدائكم أن يجعلني معكم في الدنيا والآخرة وان يثبت لي عندكم قدم صدق في الدنيا والآخرة أساله أن يبلغني المقام المحمود الذي لكم عنده وأن يرزقني طلب ثاركم مع إمام هدى ظاهر ناطق بالحق منكم وأسأل الله بحقكم وبالشأن الذي لكم عنده أن يعطيني بمصابي بكم افضل ما يعطى مصابا بمصيبته مصيبة ما أعظمها واعظم رزيتها في الإسلام وفي جميع السماوات والأرض اللهم اجعلني في مقامي هذا ممن تناله منك صلوات ورحمة ومغفرة اللهم اجعل محياي محيا محمد وال محمد ومماتي ممات محمد وال محمد اللهم إن هذا يوم تبركت به بنو أمية وابن آكلة الأكباد اللعين ابن اللعين على لسانك ولسان نبيك صلى الله عليه واله في كل موطن وموقف وقف فيه نبيك صلى الله عليه واله اللهم العن أبا سفيان ومعاوية ويزيد ابن معاوية عليهم منك اللعنة ابد الآبدين وهذا يوم فرحت به آل زياد وال مروان بقتلهم الحسين صلوات الله عليه اللهم فضاعف عليهم اللعن منك والعذاب الأليم اللهم إني أتقرب إليك في هذا اليوم وفي موقفي هذا وأيام حياتي بالبراءة منهم واللعنة عليهم وبالموالاة لنيك وآل نبيك عليه وعليهم السلام

ثم تقول مئة مرة : اللهم العن أول ظالم ظلم حق محمد وال محمد وآخر تابع له على ذلك اللهم العن العصابة التي جاهدت الحسين وشايعت وبايعت وتابعت على قتله اللهم العنهم جميعا

ثم تقول مئة مرة : السلام عليك يا أبا عبد الله وعلى الأرواح التي حلت بفنائك عليك مني سلام الله أبداً ما بقيت وبقي الليل والنهار ولا جعله الله آخر العهد مني لزيارتكم السلام على الحسين وعلى علي ابن الحسين وعلى أولاد الحسين وعلى أصحاب الحسين

ثم تقول : اللهم خص أنت أول ظالم باللعن مني وابدأ به أولا ثم اللعن الثاني والثالث والرابع اللهم العن يزيد خامسا والعن عبيد الله ابن زياد وابن مرجانه وعمر ابن سعد وشمرا وال أبي سفيان وال زياد وال مروان إلى يوم القيامة

ثم تسجد وتقول : اللهم لك الحمد حمد الشاكرين لك على مصابهم الحمد لله على عظيم رزيتي اللهم ارزقني شفاعة الحسين يوم الورود وثبت لي عندك قدم صدق مع الحسين ومع أصحاب الحسين الذين بذلوا مهجهم دون الحسين عليه السلام

Anonymous said...

Ziyarat e Ashura here Ziyarat Ashura of Imam Hussain (as) or Ziyarat-e-Ashora or Ziyarat-e-Ashura